Dinesh Kumar Khara SBI chairman biography

Dinesh Kumar Khara holds a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree in commerce and a Master’s
degree in business administration. He is also a Certified Associate of Indian Institute of Bankers (IIB). He is the Chairman of State Bank of India (SBI). Before assuming office as Chairman- SBI, Mr. Khara has held several key positions in SBI such as

  • MD (Global Banking & Subsidiaries),
  • MD (Associates & Subsidiaries),
  • MD & CEO (SBI Mutual Funds) and
  • Chief General Manager – Bhopal Circle.

He was also posted at Chicago for an overseas assignment. As Managing Director, he led the International Banking Group, Large Corporate and Treasury operations in addition to the
non-banking subsidiaries of SBI viz., SBI Card, SBIMF, SBI Life, SBI General etc.

He also seamlessly executed the merger of five erstwhile Associate Banks and Bhartiya Mahila Bank, with SBI. Additionally, he also headed the Risk, IT and Compliance functions of the bank at various points. He joined SBI as a probationary officer in 1984 and has over 36 years of experience in the banking industry.

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